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Established in October 2024 as the successor to the Center for Integrative Biosciences, which was founded in April 2023, the Integrative Bioscience Facility serves as a university-wide support center with the mission of advancing research through cutting-edge promotion functions. The purpose is to facilitate the design and promotion of cutting-edge bioscience research through collaboration among faculty, technical staff, and URAs. This collaborative effort aims to create a platform for promoting bioscience research and fostering interdisciplinary fusion research within the fields of science and engineering, ultimately driving the creation of innovative bioscience research that will redefine the landscape of science and engineering field.
The Facility will offer an inclusive environment that encourages researchers from diverse fields to engage in biotechnology fusion research. This inclusivity will be facilitated by assignment of experts in bioscience research management and the establishment of a “Bioscience Management Division” responsible for overseeing university-wide biotechnology research implementation and providing consulting services to researchers outside of the biotechnology field. Additionally, an “Advanced Bioscience Research Support Division” has been created, comprising faculty, technical staff, and technical support staff. This division will support advanced bioscience research by providing access to the SPF animal research facility, research spaces, and sharing advanced research equipment with other departments.
The key to enhancing research capabilities and pioneering new research fields lies in strategic connection of cutting-edge research and shared facilities with the faculty members (researchers) and highly specialized personnel. Thus, the creation of a collaborative ” research hub” is crucial. This hub will facilitate the joint efforts of faculty members (researchers) and technical staff, promoting research collaboration. It aims to drive the generation of novel bioscience research by providing not only bioscience researchers but also researchers who may not specialize in biotechnology with a shared research space dedicated to advanced life science research and comprehensive support for cross-disciplinary research.
The mission of the Facility is to be a driving force for realizing the goal of the Bio-Strategy: the creation of “the world’s most advanced bioeconomy society”. To achieve this mission, faculty, technical staff, administrative staff, technical support staff, and administrative support staff will collaborate to deliver advanced research promotion functions that steer the design and promote cutting-edge bioscience research. The Facility looks forward to your continued support.