Home > Usage Guide > Usage Application
If you wish to use the shared facilities of the Center for Integrative Biosciences, please submit (1) Application form to use and (2) Application form to enter.
If you wish to use the animal research facilities, a separate application is required. For details, see the Animal Research Facilities page.
The reservation system for shared facilities is based on Inter-University Network for Common Utilization of Research Equipments. For details on registration, please click here.
We would appreciate it if all work performed in the Center for Integrative Biosciences is acknowledged in scholarly reports, presentations, posters, papers, and all other publications. We believe that proper acknowledgment provides one kind of visible measurement of our contributions and is thus essential for our continued funding.
Please use the line below:
For Research Facilities (Animal Research Facility, Aquatic animal Facility, Plant Growth Room, etc) :
We are grateful for the help and support provided by the Center for Integrative Biosciences and the Biomaterials Analysis Division, Open Facility Center at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
For Shared facilities (on the list) and contracted services (DNA sequencing analysis, reproductive engineering technologies, etc) :
The authors thank the Center for Integrative Biosciences and the Biomaterials Analysis Division, Open Facility Center at the Tokyo Institute of Technology for XXXX analysis.
*When using the inverted confocal LSM780 with Airyscan, in addition to the above acknowledgement to the facility, please state that the results are related to the Core Facility Construction Support Programme, as follows.
The confocal microscope used in this study was supported by MEXT Project for promoting public utilization of advanced research infrastructure (Program for supporting construction of core facilities) Grant Number JPMXS0440200023.
Or with name:
We thank Taro Toko (Biomaterials Analysis Division, Open Facility Center) and the Center for Integrative Biosciences of the Tokyo Institute of Technology for technical assistance in XXXX analysis.
*If they have made significant contributions, please include as a co-author.
ABI 3730xl DNA Analyzer